Protection and Care

A protection order is an order the Department of Communities – Child Protection and Family Support (“Department”) can apply for if it thinks a child or young person under 18 is in need of protection and care.

The Department will take steps to obtain a protection order when it is concerned for a child’s wellbeing. This can be due to concerns relating to neglect, physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse, drug and alcohol issues and/or mental health issues.

Bannerman Solicitors has a number of experienced practitioners who represent children, parents, extended family members and fosters carers in protection and care matters. The type of work includes:-

  • Representing parents in court proceedings where the Department is seeking supervision orders, protection orders (time limited) or protection orders (until 18)
  • Negotiating with the Department in relation to contact, length of protection order, family carers, etc
  • Acting as child representative on the best interests or instructions of child the subject of the proceedings
  • Attending meetings with the Department
  • Assisting carers in making an application for Special Guardianship Orders
  • Applications for contact or placement
  • Applications to vary or cancel protection orders
  • Attending pre-birth meetings and meetings prior to the commencement of proceedings
  • Internal complaints and care plan review board decisions, including applications to the State Administrative Tribunal
  • Appeals