Restraining Orders

If someone else is using violence, making threats or behaving in a way that makes you or your children feel unsafe or distressed, you may be able to obtain a restraining order against them from the Court (whether you are in a family or domestic relationship or not).

Alternatively, you may find yourself in a situation where you have been served with a restraining order which has been obtained against you. This will often have been obtained without your knowledge and will remain in place until you either consent to the order, reach an agreement with the other party or go to a Trial.

Bannerman Solicitors has a number of solicitors who can assist you in obtaining a restraining order or defending one. This type of work includes:

  • Applying for or defending Misconduct, Violence or Family Violence Restraining Orders
  • Undertakings
  • Conduct Agreement Orders
  • Representing you at court appearances including Trial
  • Applications to vary or cancel
  • Negotiating with other parties and solicitors
  • Gathering and considering evidence relevant to your proceedings
  • Appeals

 It is important you receive advice as soon as possible after you have applied for or have been served with a restraining order or misconduct order so you understand your rights and obligations.