Testimonials & Cases


Thank you for all your help with my matters over the years.  You are an amazing lawyer with a team that performs every time. Do send my regards to Kina and your team! Last year I sent a thank you and further recommendation to the ladies at Relationships Australia in Fremantle who gave me your contact details when I was seeking another lawyer. They were happy to hear your services had remained excellent.

I wish you and your colleagues all the best.

My lawyer is Teleisha Wall. I’ve had her represent us for nearly 4.5 years. I really just wanted to let you know she is a amazing lawyer she is knowledgeable, caring and fair. She has helped our matter progress slowly over the past 4.5 years and is definitely trying her best to do what’s best for the children. With domestic violence in our past she has done everything possible to protect us from him. I’m so grateful to have her in our corner. 

Dear Richard

It has been a very long nearly nine years. Humiliating at times and humbling. There’s been lots of heartache and lots and lots of tears. 

I’m so grateful to have had an amazing lawyer like you by my side (same for Teleisha, Daniel and Kate) fighting for three little people I love so much. (Remind me of that when they become teens!)

I will never forget what you have done for us. Thank you so much. I also won’t hesitate to use your services again, nor will I hesitate to recommend Bannerman Solicitors to anyone. 

I never expected to need the services of a lawyer, much less a team of them over a number of years.  However I did, and setting aside the reasons it came to that, I now feel privileged to have been represented by Bannerman Solicitors.

I left our home with nothing, quite literally, and on that day I did not expect to see my beautiful children again for some time, if ever.  My husband then decided to commence proceedings in the Family Court, a move I considered to be a thinly disguised aim of ensuring I would not.  Fortunately, however, I was introduced to Richard Bannerman and Natasha Chakich in the days following the separation.

Although the history was very complex, Richard and Natasha grasped the issues quickly and comprehensively and assisted me over an extended period to navigate the options I had regarding both children and property. 

Because I obtained good legal representation, I have been able to re-establish a relationship with my younger children.  I am certain that would not have been possible without significant legal assistance.  Richard’s and Natasha’s extensive experience as Independent Children’s Lawyers meant that they were able to assist me in making sensible decisions for my children as much as I was able given the acrimonious and complicated situation.  I do hope that one day my eldest will come to understand that I did not choose to leave her.

A mediated solution was not achievable, and eventually we were allocated a trial.  Over a period of two weeks, Richard skillfully led the witnesses, both supportive and hostile, through his questions in order to weave each account into a clear and understandable narrative.  He was supported by Natasha who had to become a mind-reader and instantly provide the correct page to tender to the Court from the thousands of documents that had been gathered.  Even though I already had a lot of trust in them, I was astounded by the level of skill and understanding they both showed during the trial as well as the dedication with which they carried out the work.  They were well supported behind the scenes by the rest of their team up the road.

To his financial detriment, Richard supported me in obtaining legal assistance due to the family violence characteristics of the relationship.  I hope that my case, and in particular being able to bring my case to a trial, will shine a light on the reality of family violence and coercive controlling violence here in Western Australia, in particular the complex and often paradoxical presentation of such families.  Had Richard not been my lawyer, with his mix of compassion and excellence, I am not sure it would have been possible.

Tandy and Patrick

I just want to say thank you very much to you both for today and everything leading up to today. The weight off my shoulders after todays events and outcome is something I can’t even explain. Tandy you have particularly been very patient with me trying to manage motherhood, and the stress of court and getting everything done.

I am grateful your firm has taken on my case and grateful I have been able to have you both to guide and assist me through this and teach me along the way also. Tandy – your nurturing womanly side has helped me see things from a better perspective as a mother. Patrick – your big deep voice and confidence crushed him today even if you didn’t see it, I know it did! I just wanted to let you both know, your efforts and late nights are appreciated very much.

Thank you both, look forward to getting through the family court battle with an excellent team. I will be highly recommending. Thank you guys, so much.

Dear Richard

Your letter advising that our successful partnership was concluded after a five year period came with “sad , relief”. Sad, because we would no longer be in contact with an exceptionally kind, thoughtful and competent man and relieved because you had achieved more success for our family than we could have wished and certainly a great deal more than expected.

Your dedication to your profession is inspiring and as testament, you are likely unaware that during our unfortunate situation and to relieve our concerns, no less than two hundred and ninety seven emails were exchanged. Mostly after hours or weekends and as such were “not on the clock”, but were certainly helpful and reassuring.

Our family is deeply indebted to you Richard. We were blessed with good fortune when you were recommended and through your brilliant guidance our youngest grandson now forms part of his paternal family.

Thank you and best wishes for the future.

Dear Richard

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the unwavering support and dedication you have shown to us throughout the past 2.5 years. Your tireless efforts and steadfast commitment to our case have been nothing short of incredible, and I am eternally grateful to have you in our corner.

Your guidance, expertise, and legal prowess have been invaluable to us during this challenging time, And your unfaltering belief in me has given me the strength and courage to keep fighting. Your incessant commitment to our cause has been a beacon of hope during some of my darkest moments, and I am truly blessed to have you on my side.

Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude for all that you have done for us. Your professionalism, compassion, and constant dedication to our case have been nothing short of exceptional, and I feel truly blessed to have you as our lawyer.

Thank you for holding my hand, having faith in me, and never giving up. You are a true champion for Justice, I am honoured to have you as my lawyer and the person with Gravitas in my life. I can’t wait to see your power through the next financial hurdle and continue fighting for what is right.

With deep appreciation and respect.

It is a pleasure that I leave a testimony for Richard Bannerman.

I represented myself in the first three court cases dealing with allegations from my ex-husband & his solicitors.  After trying to defend myself, I realized I was on a losing battle despite standing in my truth. If I had kept trying to defend myself I now know, it would have cost me a lot more money and the stress and insomnia and the effects that has on your health, is just not worth trying to do it alone.

The best thing I did was to engage the services of Richard Bannerman and I feel very privileged that Richard Bannerman oversaw my case until the very end.

As soon as I engaged with Richard Bannerman to take control of my case, the stress and sleepless nights seem to dissipate. I knew Mr Bannerman always was working in my best interest and he built a strong case against the other side.

Once Richard Bannerman took over my case, he was strategic and his plan played out well to collapse the allegations against me, it gave me a positive outcome in the end and after 2.5 years of my ex-husbands solicitors using fear and threats against me, they vacated the court hearing 10 days before it was scheduled.

Richard Bannerman is caring, empathetic and always gave 100% plus to my case.

I hope I never have to ask Mr Bannerman for his help again, but should I need help from a solicitor, he would be the first solicitor I would reach out too.

Something I learnt from the last 2.5 years of stress, is everything has an end, even when you are going through it, you think it will never end. In addition, anyone can take you to court and throw allegations against you, but if you stand in your truth and have evidence to back that truth, then you are bound to come out a winner.

I know there are no winners when you are in court with your ex, yet I feel like I was the winner thanks to Richard Bannerman.

Even though you pay for these services, I feel I do not have enough words to show my appreciation to the excellent work of Mr Bannerman.

I consider myself so very fortunate to have received the benefit of Richard Bannerman and James Mansfield’s assistance and expertise during what has been a very challenging time for me and my family. I honestly believe that without their involvement the matter had tremendous potential in dragging on, escalating, and/or worse of all intensifying to large extent. As I have done so in the past, I would not at all hesitate in recommending Bannerman Solicitors to anyone going through an ordeal even remotely as challenging as mine in Family Court.

I have known Mr. Patrick Gardner since 2019 when he graciously took up my case and represented me. I still recall my first ever phone conversation with him and will most likely never forget it. The quality of his words and deep tone assured me that I am in safe hands. In the midst of the turmoil and pain I felt, Patrick remained an anchor crafted from the hardest steel. 

He is the embodiment of Client Focus and Value for Time and Money. Patrick has always acted in my best interest in every decision he took with respect to my case after always seeking my thoughts and views.   

As of writing this testimonial, my records indicate that Patrick and I have exchanged 443 emails. Every single email he has ever sent me was written with passion, razor sharp precision and clarity. I surely don’t miss the court proceedings but I do miss reading his well articulated emails and our long discussions on the case both in person and over the phone.

I realised very soon that Patrick is a gentleman who is a humanitarian at heart and is driven by compassion towards those who have undergone injustice. He stood tall and fearless; a one man army against Prosecution and did everything in his power to ensure fallacies and inconsistencies were brought to the forefront. When I felt vulnerable and at the mercy of injustice, Patrick was my armour. His reassurance got me through so many dark times. Words cannot justify the gratitude I have in my heart for him. 

My case is officially closed and I can now move on with my life. 

Patrick, from the bottom of heart, thank you for everything you have done for me. I will never forget you. Superheroes don’t wear capes. They wear suits. You are a Hero and have protected my future by taking up my case.

Hi Richard,

Thank you so much for the work you have done this morning, you are the best and you did amazing job. Millions of thank yous, I am so appreciative.

 I have contacted the safe balance and the handover will happen this Saturday and Sunday.

Dear Richard

Thank you and your team from the bottom of my heart.

I would just like to say a massive Thank you to the both of you and Bannerman Solicitors. I appreciate all the hard negotiations you did to get an end result. You have no idea what a relief it is, to have light in the end of the tunnel for the first time in 5 years.

Thank You for all your help and support.

Thank you so much for your letter. I really appreciate your strong, clear and expert representation and response of the matters at hand.

Thank you so much for all your and your teams consistent hard work for the children and I.

With sincere gratitude and appreciation I would like to thank Bannerman and associates particularly Samantha for everything she’s done.  From the very start I really felt confident and real support under her representation and feel blessed at the end of my ordeal. With sincere kind regards.

What wonderful news! We are so delighted and have all cried tears of elation. Patrick you have been a pillar of strength for us along this journey, and we sincerely appreciate your frankness and professional approach to what could have been a minefield for unsuspecting players. You have assisted in uniting our family and we are truly grateful for all you have done.

We shall recommend you most highly, and wish you all the very best.  Thank you again.

Thank you Richard. The best possible news I’ve had for a very long time that we’ve all waited a long time for. Thank you can never be enough – but here goes anyway – thank you for such patience, understanding and kindness shown toward me from yourself, Kina and the whole Bannerman team. Please pass on my extreme thanks and gratitude.

Thank you so very much for all your professional support and guidance over the last few years. Whilst it has been a spectacularly stressful time for me, knowing that I had you in my corner provided me with a lot of comfort. You are so very good at what you do & anyone who enlists you as their Family Lawyer is in the very best hands.

Jack and I are eternally grateful to you the Bannerman team.

Thank you Richard I do trust you implicitly due to number 1, your fabulous credentials, number 2 the way you have consistently treated me so beautifully and acted in the past and number 3 how you treat me currently so beautifully.  Your recent and continual and complete results for me have been absolutely perfect and superior just like what I have seen online and heard about you from friends, not only in your expertise and  intellectual aspects, but also your kindness, and I say this not because I have a right to judge, but because it is true and it is just such a wonderful combination. Your insight, together with kindness, which I cannot even comprehend, that someone can be that skilled and this past happenings consistently without waver is why I put my trust in you so implicitly and hold you so high. You have just been absolutely marvellous and I cannot speak more highly of you and your staff, everyone of them are marvellous and lovely and kind and intelligent and I can see that is an attribute to you because you chose them.

Your staff, all of them, were absolutely astoundingly delightful, down to the very last one.

Dear Richard and Kate

I would like to thank you very much for all the work you have done towards the mediation. I am more than happy with what I have received. It will be more than I need to have a stress free life. After pressing through the figures, we are going to sit back and think about what we’re going to do for a couple of years. It is a great feeling to be able to look forward for a change without stress. You’re both lovely people, we thank you very much for a real no stress mediation.


Life will always be compromised with an ex like mine.  However, I am really happy and content and learning how to navigate this emotional minefield.

Thank you so much for your support and commitment.  I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone going through this journey. You were fantastic, level headed and a good rudder.

Thank you all so much. Here’s to a new chapter in our life. You guys are the best and I wish all the best in the future. Such a rock solid company with such talented people. The best in Perth!

It’s all quite sad saying goodbye to my Legal Family. I cannot thank you all enough for helping make all my wishes come true. You guys have been my rock! Thank you.

I can not thank you enough for all your hard work Richard.

You and Natasha have been amazing. I am absolutely thrilled with, & relieved by, today’s outcome & am looking forward to moving forwards from all of this.

Thank you again, and many times over.

Good Evening Mr Bannerman

Thank you for your correspondence advising that you have the Orders from the Court and your final account. Mr Bannerman, I am especially thankful to you and your entire firm, for accepting me as a client at one of the lowest points of my daughter and my life. A special thank you to Kate Behrens.

Also, you taking carriage of my file this past year has reconfirmed that your firm has easily been one of the best decisions I have made during this period of my life. Your kind yet professional approach will be spoken of long into our future.

I appreciate your completing the balance of the work to ensure the transfer of the Superannuation into my fund.

Richard – thank you for showing me that throughout the 3 years of court that I had definitely made the right choice in choosing your expertise to represent me in my family matters. Last week I saw nothing but brilliance in what you do. Your strategic approach and knowledge of my case was delivered in words that exceed brilliance! Your map of the trial I could not fault one bit. Your calm manner and approach throughout the 3 years kept me level headed through times of madness and frustration. Your knowledge and best interests for everyone involved, shined fairness. I know I have not won my trial yet, but the confidence in the way you represented me in court this week was truly uplifting and blew me away. I really loved working with you.

Rachel – thank you for supporting me through times where I had no energy left to get things done. Your calm and detailed approach was just amazing. Your support to me I cannot thank you enough. From helping me to complete my affidavit to helping me find some strength. Your knowledge and kindness was second to none. You always managed to keep on smiling throughout when I know I was so late in getting things in. You worked effortlessly to put all my material together and your passion and hard work in what you do is fantastic. I really loved working with you.

Karen – thank you for supporting me throughout the 3 year court process. Your professionalism and total understanding of the case was second to none. You even remembered all of my case after having a baby and having some time off. Your commitment to what you do is fantastic and I have the upmost respect for you. Your calming attitude and knowledge of family law is amazing. It made my day to see you attend my trial, it really showed me what great support I had throughout from you. I really loved working with you.

Dear Richard, Karen and staff

I would like to sincerely thank you, Karen and your amazing staff (team) for the fair and just outcome of my settlement. I now have financial independence and ownership of my life, with a positive future.

It was an usual case but with your professionalism, wisdom and support I felt that I wasn’t on my own. I must also mention the return calls/emails after hours when I needed assistance and reassurance at some low points within the case was above and beyond to which I’m so grateful for.

The settlement is finalised, with the divorce on its way, I see how blessed I am to have Richard Bannerman and his team on my side all the way. I look forward to recommending Bannerman Solicitors.

Can I please say that I will absolutely be recommending your firm to others in my position, your professionalism and knowledge has been fantastic and I very much appreciate you representing me in the these matters. I was in a difficult separation but you Richard have helped me achieve what I didn’t think I could and through your efforts I can now move on. People like my ex are bullies that can knock the confidence out of any vulnerable person but Richard your persistence and support have given me the strength to carry on.

I would like to thank you and all staff for all your help and your professional and personal attention to detail. I’ve found dealing with you all  way ahead of a lot of other businesses operating in same field.

I am genuine in my comments and respect for all of your staff and will have no issue in recommending you.

I was very privileged to have Bannerman Solicitors represent me in resolving custody and financial settlement through the Family Court. The case was highly complex, volatile and drawn out across 2013 to 2015. Richard and Karen were able to grasp the level of risk for my child and understood my concerns.

Karen Campbell was thorough in her day-to-day correspondence, ongoing meetings and preparation of documents. Having both Karen and Richard’s exceptional representation at Trial exceeded all expectations. Resulting in final orders which provided myself and my child with safety, security and a financial settlement.

I would recommend Bannnerman Solicitors to any prospective client in search of professional legal representation. I am forever grateful for the experience I had with all the staff at Bannermans. During such a stressful period in my life they were always fully understanding and supportive.

Good afternoon Patrick,

I’d just like to thank you very much for your service to M, which has been really appreciated. Although this case was not complex, it’s still a stressful process for the client and the family. It’s great to now have closure and, although D’s mother may (unlikely) initiate proceedings in the future, we can now move on.

Thanks so much for your professional service. M felt much more confident with having you to act for him than if he’d had to go through the process on his own.

Best wishes for the future!

Kind regards

I approached Bannerman Solicitors for a Family Law matter on the recommendation of an acquaintance. I never once regretted this decision.

For the most part I dealt with Richard Bannerman and then later with Karen Campbell when she joined the firm. Richard’s and Karen’s total professionalism, care and integrity helped to get me through the long and drawn out process of my matter, which when finalised resulted in the best possible outcome for me.

I cannot recommend Bannerman Solicitors highly enough.

Richard Bannerman was recommended to me as other lawyers I had seen seemed to focus only on the financial side of things and were not listening to my main concerns. I had major concerns in relation to my children’s safety.

At my first meeting with Richard, he listened to the issues that were important to me and straight away understood the situation my family was in. He gave me expert advice in that very first meeting and put my mind at ease. I immediately changed my lawyers to have Bannerman Solicitors represent me. Richard understands the family court system and the family law but he also cares about your family.

Nathan has also assisted Richard with my case. Both he and Richard are very thorough in their work and have been very patient and understanding when dealing with third parties who have been very un-cooperative and difficult to deal with.

My divorce proceedings are what they call “high conflict.” They have not been pleasant at all. However, with Richard and Nathan helping me, I have managed to make it through.

They have been by my side throughout numerous complex court hearings. Not only do they understand the legalities, they fight for your family and they care about how you are coping throughout the process.

They have always shown the utmost professionalism and their only goal from the very start and right through all of the proceedings has been to help my family achieve the best outcome and to settle matters quickly for us.

I would highly recommend Bannerman Solicitors to anyone who requires a family lawyer

I approached Bannerman Solicitors for a matter in family law. I was dealing with Richard Bannerman in the early stages, who is very professional & accurate at what he does. Then I started dealing with Kate because Richard was away at the time & have never looked back. It seems like they have a particular way & reputation that they uphold for their clients. I have never been disappointed with any of the staff at Bannerman Solicitors starting from reception to accounts department or the personal assistants to any particular lawyer. They all seem to strive to do their best & endeavor for the best outcome for the client particularly best interest of the children.

Kate has helped me by being her amazing self and having my child’s best interest at all times. communication with Kate has been a breeze she is very understanding, compassionate & seems as though can read your thoughts without having to talk for hours explaining (wasting money & time) Let alone the communication over the phone, emails & in writing was of the same standards & caliber.

The result has been positive for all involved in my case & worth every minute of my time & money. Several things I loved about  while dealing with this company is their professionalism, continued effort, clear/precise information & correspondence, integrity, focus & drive towards each & every aspect of their role. The difference that Kate has made to our lives has been immense & can never thank her enough for her hard work & dedication to her role including the children involved.
To think of it I cannot find one fault about Bannerman Solicitors particularly Kate. There has never been a moment where I regret my decision to use this company & have been blessed to have dealt with Kate B.

I found the experience extremely positive and I would never use or recommend anyone else.

In 2009 my children and our life had a turning point, in August of 2015 our sense of safety and freedom was recognised through Final Parenting Orders by Consent in The Family Court of WA.

Without Kate Behrens and her experience, in every aspect of making a court recognize our individual situation, cutting through the emotions, and of my standing up to the person I fear most, falling down, and knowing to keep them safe and give them freedom, was to get back up, and simultaneously dealing with the departments, courts, fear, and above all two beautiful girls who deserve every chance.

Words of thanks for Kate Behrens and Bannerman Solicitors in our journey, is hard to put into less than a book, if it weren’t for the controversy of our case and the many many others who go through the process just like us daily.

Kate Behrens and Bannerman’s had the ability to see what was important through it all.

Bannermans have seen me through some financial challenges and still never gave up on us, representing me through our WA Family Court, unexpectedly through the Family Circuit Court of NSW, guided me through VRO’s, two further extension of the VROs and I have been through the Legal Aid process and self represented at VRO hearings and trials.

Bannermans understood and assisted in every possible way in that aspect also.